About us
Drop everything and go to Bieszczady
“Drop everything and go to the Bieszczady Mountains” – in our case, that’s what happened. We thought for a long time about what our life should look like. Work in an international company, fast city life, plans to build a house – a classic scheme. When our children Kalina and Aleksander appeared, the world changed completely for us. We wanted to slow down, live freely and in our own way. We wanted to watch our children grow up.

Voice of Nature
Discover the pleasure of hospitality and nature
Following our hearts, we went east, to the Bieszczady Mountains, and that’s how we stayed here. We both come from open houses, which is why we love people – so is our Zagroda. We try to give our guests all the best – delicious, home-made food, preserves, tinctures, local and healthy products, as well as the warmth of home and the proximity of the Queen of the Bieszczady Mountains – nature. We hope that everyone who visits us will place the time spent here in their Bieszczady memories…

Our houses
An intimate farm
Following our hearts, we went east, to the Bieszczady Mountains, and that’s how we stayed here. We both come from open houses, which is why we love people – so is our Zagroda. We try to give our guests all the best – delicious, home-made food, preserves, tinctures, local and healthy products, as well as the warmth of home and the proximity of the Queen of the Bieszczady Mountains – nature. We hope that everyone who visits us will place the time spent here in their Bieszczady memories…

Houses Modrzewiowa to serce Zagrody. Built in 1908 in Zagórze and moved to Orelec in 2004. Ten years later, it was extended with a fireplace and dining room. In addition, there are 6 guest rooms, a coffee corner, a kitchen, a buffet with a fridge and 2 fireplaces. In the Modrzewiowa hut we serve breakfasts and dinners, and we meet during slide shows.

Chata Jodlowa came to Zagroda from Bzianka near Haczów in 2006. The building was built in the early post-war years and has been perfectly preserved. Initially, the cottage had 3 guest rooms and a shared kitchen with a dining room, where you can prepare meals, coffee, tea and sit by the fireplace. In 2015, it was expanded with a large terrace overlooking the homestead and an additional room located directly above it.

Spichlerz – is a faithful copy of the Manor Granary from Ropczyce, which can currently be admired in the Museum of Folk Architecture in Sanok. There are 2 family studios in the building: on the ground floor and on the first floor with a mezzanine. Each of them has a separate entrance.

Happy Barn
Our old houses – her journey from Wesoła to Zagroda lasted almost 150 years. Inspired with a second life by local chisel and ax virtuosos. It is a place where workshops, meetings and feasts take place. In the cottage there is a rural oven for baking bread and croissants, potter’s wheels, a place for painting on glass and “rolling” flowers from tissue paper.

Treasures of tradition and wooden architecture
Zagroda Magija is a place that was created out of love for the tradition of the region and wooden architecture. Surrounded by forest and meadows, full of peace, allowing you to catch a deep breath and relax. All huts, except for the Granary, are original buildings, saved from oblivion.
The Modrzewiowa cottage was the first to be moved to Zagroda. Built in 1908, it looked as if someone still lived there. In the middle of the living room stood a nineteenth-century piano, next to a bookcase with pre-war editions of works by Mickiewicz, Sienkiewicz and other Polish bards. The cottage also has several beautifully decorated furniture from that period, which is still used today.
Jodlova was next. In 2005, it was accidentally found in Haczow. The house captivated with its beauty. The decision was made very quickly. Tile after tile, beam after beam – like a house of cards, dismantled and reconstructed. The house with its history, soul is now writing the continuation of its fate, this time our life …
In the village of Wesoła, there was an over 150-year-old barn with a thatched roof. The idea for the Wesola Barn was quickly born – a place for workshops of disappearing professions, meetings, concerts and space for all the old equipment collected for years. In 2008, the Stodola was built in Orelec on the edge of the forest right next to the stream. The granary is the only one that is not original, but it cannot be denied that it has a wonderful character. The original can be admired at the Museum of Folk Architecture in Sanok. Since 2015, it has wonderfully diversified the homestead.

Homestead plan